Let’s all get together and build a yurt, shall we? (part 3)
On to part 3 of our story. (You can read parts 1 here & 2 here) While I identify most strongly as a maker with textiles, I'm not only a…
On to part 3 of our story. (You can read parts 1 here & 2 here) While I identify most strongly as a maker with textiles, I'm not only a…
One of the biggest frustration I hear from all of my students and when I interact with sewists online is fit. As in, sewing clothes and trying to get the fit right and feeling completely frustrated by that process. I can understand that; it's a deep topic with lots of steps and our bodies are dynamic and wonderfully, three dimensional. But it doesn't have to be so frustrating.
Hey there! We are just finishing up our three-month-long Make-It-Your-Own Project and as you might know, it's turning into a monthly adventure…albeit at a somewhat slower pace. Whew. (you can…
So, many of you know that an amazing group of ladies and I have been working through 3 basic knit patterns these last 3 months - a t-shirt, 4 gore…
I find I've been holding my breath; at odd times like when sitting on the couch and expected times like when I on a grocery run. I imagine you might…
I'm sure you know that I'm in the middle of hosting the Make-It-Your-Own Project and I know I've told you what a joy it's been. You probably also know that…
Recently, while on a ship (sofa) in the ocean (living room) with my wee fella, on our way to Mackinac Island (still in our living room), I was mending the…
Do you have a certain type of fabric that you love to sew with? Not just a knit or a woven. Although that's good to know too. (I'm certainly a…
Recently some friends and I got together to make some beeswax wraps. Making things with friends is quite literally the best thing. Plus there were cookies involved and delicious rose…