In Kinship - A podcast for makers
who crave a vibrant life on their own terms

Catch all the episodes here!

Episode 43

Using stitches to journal your state of being
Tamanna Rahman

Episode 42

Take the next right step...sometimes all you can do is begin

Episode 41

when you avoid a thing by doing the thing you were already avoiding!

Episode 40

making sense of the world through illustration!
Elina Puohiniemi

Episode 39

when the fabric inspires you so much, you open a fabric store
Nan Webb

Episode 38

from one season to the next...simple steps to feel good

Episode 37

Anything can happen. A conversation with a weaver and natural dyer
Jasmine Petrie

Episode 36

4 ways you may experience intuition
Kristina Rogers

Episode 35

closing a good door and connecting after death
Liz Murphy

Episode 34

What do off-grid, tiny house living and clothes sewing have in common?
Ann Tilley

Episode 33

Balance, intention and coming back to walking the dog
Sarai Mitnick

Episode 32

Embracing Full Spectrum Aliveness
Kellita Maloof

Episode 31

True ease might just come from 1 step at a time
Brooks Ann Camper

Episode 30

Elevate your project

Episode 29

Getting Your Mojo Back

Episode 28

You CAN do all the things, but not at the same time.

Episode 27

Trusting in the journey, carefully planting your next step & bloody roosters
Megan Frey

Episode 26

being part of nature and listening to your intuition
Ricki Oldenkamp

5 day special series

Find Your Joy

Episode 20

getting water to boil

Episode 19

from Chewbacca to a business of her own
Emma Brassfield

Episode 18

Turning self-sabotage into attunement
Laureen Nowlan-CaRD

Episode 17

what happens when a NY Times bestseller draws a blank, literally
Eliza Wheeler

Episode 16

a farmer florist on adding things in as you can handle them
Michaela Buhrman

Episode 15

how this dreamy Pisces takes care of herself
Christina Threloff

Episode 14

the sweet spot between apathy and control

Episode 13

want more joy? try this...
Kitty Wilkin

Episode 12

when it grabs you by the throat
Kat Eldred

Episode 11

want more joy? let go of perfect

Episode 10

get a BIG piece of paper to begin unearthing your purpose​
Anne Morningstar

Episode 9

the beauty of embracing the process
Brooks Ann Camper

Episode 8

how the humble tomato can help you make your dreams happen
Corrina Ferguson

Episode 7

creating in a small space

Episode 6

Let's feast with sensuality and joy
Nicki Sizemore

Episode 5

answer is... boundaries.
Carol Johnson

Episode 4

That time she got on the ferry, and met herself
Mindy Taylor

Episode 3

Sadly, I never got to be a girl scout...

Episode 2

A Vibrant Life.

with a workbook!

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