Garment Making with Cal Patch
Mackinac Island, Michigan
Pattern Drafting
& Sewing
4 Day Retreat
Sunday, October 13 - Thursday, October 17th, 2019

Cal Patch has been a maker since she was a Girl Scout in the seventies. She sews, crochets, spins, embroiders, knits, prints, makes patterns, dyes… hence the name of her clothing label: *hodge podge*. Cal has been teaching the textile arts since 2000, at shops and retreats across North America, and now offers online workshops in Pattern Drafting, Sewing and Crochet via Creativebug. After seventeen years of being a New York City dweller, Cal now resides in the Catskills where she is becoming a crafty farmer and growing her handmade wardrobe. Her first book, Design-It-Yourself Clothes, Patternmaking Simplified, was published by Potter Craft. You can see what she’s up to at